Dental Bridges in Lincoln Park, MI

Dental Bridges in Lincoln Park, MI

Dental bridges are fixed dental prosthetics designed by dentists in Lincoln Park, MI, to replace one or more missing teeth by bridging the gap between natural teeth or dental implants. They consist of artificial teeth, known as pontics, anchored to adjacent natural teeth or implants for support. Dental bridges play a crucial role in restoring oral function, aesthetics, and overall oral health by preventing remaining teeth from shifting out of alignment, improving chewing ability, maintaining facial structure, and enhancing the smile's appearance.

By filling in gaps left by missing teeth, dental bridges also help distribute bite forces evenly and reduce the risk of dental problems such as gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Ultimately, dental bridges provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for tooth loss, allowing individuals to enjoy a confident smile and optimal oral health. 

The Different Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges are the most common type of bridge used by our dentist at Polyviou Family Dentistry, to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth, known as pontics, held in place by dental crowns, placed on the natural teeth adjacent to the gap. Traditional bridges are ideal when the teeth adjacent to the gap are healthy enough to support the bridge. They are durable, reliable, and offer excellent stability and chewing function. 

Cantilever Bridges

Cantilever bridges are similar to traditional bridges but are supported by only one natural tooth adjacent to the gap. This makes them suitable for situations where only one healthy tooth is next to the gap, such as in the back of the mouth. While cantilever bridges provide a solution for single-tooth replacement, they may exert more stress on the supporting tooth and may not be as stable as traditional bridges. 

Maryland Bonded Bridges

Maryland bonded bridges, also known as resin-bonded bridges or Maryland bridges, are a conservative alternative to traditional bridges. They consist of pontics attached to metal or porcelain wings bonded to the back of adjacent teeth using resin cement. Maryland bridges are ideal for replacing front teeth or teeth in areas of low chewing pressure. While they are less invasive than traditional bridges and preserve tooth structure, they may not be as durable and long-lasting. 

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-supported bridges are an advanced type of bridge supported by dental implants rather than natural teeth. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots, onto which the bridge is securely attached. Implant-supported bridges offer superior stability, durability, and chewing function compared to traditional bridges. They also help preserve bone density in the jaw and prevent further tooth loss. While implant-supported bridges require a longer treatment timeline and higher initial investment, they provide long-lasting results and a natural-looking smile. 

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

Restored Chewing Functionality

One of the primary benefits of dental bridges in Lincoln Park, MI, is the restoration of chewing functionality. Missing teeth can make it challenging to bite and chew food correctly, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies and digestive issues. Dental bridges fill the gaps left by missing teeth, allowing individuals to chew their food comfortably and efficiently. With restored chewing functionality, individuals can enjoy a varied diet, supporting overall health and well-being. 

Enhanced Speech Clarity

Tooth loss can affect speech clarity and pronunciation, leading to difficulties in communication. Dental bridges help improve speech by replacing missing teeth and restoring proper alignment of the jaw and tongue. With dental bridges, individuals can articulate sounds more clearly and confidently, enhancing communication skills and social interactions. Contact us today! 

Prevents Shifting of Adjacent Teeth

When a tooth is lost, adjacent teeth may shift or drift out of their proper position, leading to misalignment and bite problems. Dental bridges prevent this shifting by filling in the gap and providing stability to surrounding teeth. By maintaining adequate tooth alignment, dental bridges help preserve the integrity of the bite and prevent further dental problems down the road. 

Preservation of Jawbone Density 

Tooth loss can lead to bone resorption, where the jawbone deteriorates due to lack of stimulation from the missing tooth root. Dental bridges help preserve jawbone density by stimulating the underlying bone through chewing forces. This stimulation encourages bone growth and prevents bone loss, preserving facial structure and preventing premature aging. 

Aesthetically Pleasing Smile Enhancement 

Beyond restoring function, dental bridges also contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Custom made to match the color, shape, and size of natural teeth, bridges seamlessly blend with the surrounding dentition, creating a harmonious and natural-looking smile. Dental bridges enhance facial aesthetics and boost self-confidence by filling in gaps and concealing imperfections. 

Dental bridges offer many benefits for individuals seeking to restore their smiles and regain confidence. If you're considering dental bridges as a solution for tooth loss, visit Polyviou Family Dentistry at 3784 Dix Hwy, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, or call us at 313-388-2400 to explore the options available and embark on the journey to a brighter, more confident smile.

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Lincoln Park, MI

3784 Dix Hwy, Lincoln Park, MI 48146


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